November 2019 Minutes


Wednesday 6th November 2019

1. Opening:  7:32pm Community Hall

2. Present: Mark Ashenden, Helen Ashenden, Bianca Folber, Jayne Tucker, Brad Pickford, Des & Pru Fowles, Phil Scroop, Gavin Fischer, Gerrit & Anneke Schrale, Petrah Harslett, Di Lamont, Kristie Kendrick and Lou McMaster

Observers: Councillor Marion Themeliotis, Councillor Geoff Eaton

3. Apologies:  Bill & Laurel Jared, Lauren Bowden, Gayle Mills, Jo Horsnell, Kate Townsend & David Clarke, Joan & Trevor Harslett and Brad & Louise Pickford.

4. Motion: Minutes of previous meeting held Wednesday 2nd October 2019 accepted as a true record: Moved: Di Lamont 2nd Des Fowles, Carried.

5. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes.

Multimedia Update

With Brad absent this evening we will re-visit this at the December CCA meeting.


Great event. Huge thanks to Kookie and husband Paul for setting everything up and to

Steve for assisting with the BBQ. Great community event and many families enjoyed the


6. City of Onkaparinga Update – provided by Cr Themeliotis and circulated prior

If anyone has any queries regarding the report they are more than welcome to contact Councillor Marion Themeliotis. Marion touched on a few key aspects from the last month at Council. Members have probably heard that the CEO has resigned. Kirk Richardson has been appointed interim CEO until a replacement can be recruited. 

Transparency & Controls

Members are encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions on the new Transparency & Controls that council are looking to implement. The document referenced a report conducted by Price Waterhouse & Cooper and Mark Ashenden asked Marion whether that report would be publicly available. Marion will report back.

Mark was encouraged by the push for transparency and the move towards more community engagement however it seems like a rather big task to undertake and he was curious how they were hoping to do it. Marion advised that the Strategic Directions Committee had recently met and they were looking into the different ways to engage with communities. One suggestion had been doing travelling roadshows around the council area. 

Councillor Geoff Eaton touched on the possible boundary reforms that had been getting pushed by a Mitcham City Councillor. It would appear that the Councillor perhaps didn’t get as much support on social media as what they had anticipated and that interest in boundary reforms was waning.  

7.   Treasurer’s Report:

      Tabled for October 2019.
Accepted as a true record: Moved: Pru Fowles, 2nd Petrah Harslett, Carried.

8.   Hall Report:

      Tabled for October 2019.
Accepted as a true record: Moved: Helen Ashenden 2nd Gavin Fischer, Carried.

Kindergarten Lease update:

Executive committee has agreed to accept the current terms of the lease and it is

currently being written up. Of great benefit to the Clarendon Community Association is

that the kindy will be responsible for 100% of the maintenance and repairs for their lease

area and 75% for the shared area with the CCA.

Now that the CCA will have access to more funding Phil again tabled the idea of getting the carpark looked at and possibly bituminised. Pru suggested that it is something to keep on the list of items to look at however at this time we would like to get the kindy lease and the lease area documented first and maintenance/repair jobs listed and prioritized. 

9.   Correspondence

  • Received letter from City of Onkaparinga Council regarding the third Clarendon Rural Landscape Planning Policy Review workshop to be held Monday 25th November, 6:30pm in the Clarendon Community Hall.
  • Email received from Priah Dean regarding the recent Red Cross Emergency Resilience District Session

10. Subcommittee Reports:

Clarendon Community Initiative

Master Plan

Des gave an update to members. The actual plan is still to be produced however he

is confident that based on the CCI catch up with Andy Smith and Geoff Norris from

City of Onkaparinga Council that we are headed in the right direction. There is to be

a briefing coming up between council and the ward councillors to discuss the plan

and then a report will be presented to council at their February meeting.

Mark met with the Netball and Tennis Clubs to discuss them building a new shed

with the grant money the netball club secured. They have funding for a 6m x 3m

shed. There was discussion between the clubs about the best location for the shed

and it was eventually decided that the best location could be behind the current

canteen as most infrastructure (power & water) was already in place with the alternative being on the old cricket nets site at the north west corner of the courts. Mark left the meeting confident that the Netball Club and Tennis Club will work together to see this project finished and that council will help with all the required development paperwork. 

         Clarendon Community Rural Landscape Planning Policy review

The third community workshop is scheduled for Monday 25th November, 6:30pm at

the Clarendon Community Hall. Council has confirmed that the township zone boundary will be returned to its original size. Members expressed their concern that the workshop will be similar to past workshops where the community is divided into separate groups and they would really prefer an open forum. Planning policy can be quite complicated so Des made the suggestion that it would be great if we could run through a few scenarios during the workshop to see how they may play out under the new code. Bianca asked Des to clarify if the precincts have been removed under the new planning code. The precincts are missing, however the McLaren Vale Character Preservation District and the Historic Conservation Area are still in place. The subzones which articulate the unique setting and character of Clarendon are missing so it will be important that we discuss this at the workshop. There are concerns that the detail will be missing under the new planning policy. It seems that the new planning code has been produced to be streamlined and tick boxes whereas towns like Clarendon that are unique may be missing the detail required to keep it unique.     

It was discussed that the CCA send an email to council with a few dot points and the suggestion that some scenarios of new developments be run through on the night. Mark, Petrah and Des will draft the email and send it asap.

11.  General Business 

  • Santarilla
  • Bianca had recently shared on Facebook the news that Clarendon has again been invited to participate with Kangarilla and Meadows with Santarilla. Will run from December 1st to January 6th.
  • Kindy
  • Lauren and Gayle wanted to pass on their thanks to the CCA and community for all their support with the Spring Festival. The kindy feel they have a strong sense of belonging within the community and are so grateful for everyone who came and helped to make the festival such a special occasion.

  • Aboriginal Heritage and Rec Ground Tree
  • Petrah and Helen shared with members that Mel Scholz, a new member of our community, works with the Aboriginal Community in the Riverland and she can put the CCA in touch with a Kaurna representative to discuss the Toondilla Trail.
  • Helen advised members that at a recent CCI discussion with Council that council representatives sought clarification as to whether they could remove the dead pine tree that overlooks the Clarendon Recreation Ground. They believed the tree may have had some cultural significance, so they wanted to clarify this. Helen spoke with the Historic Hall committee and Laurel Jared to see whether the tree had any special significance and was informed it didn’t. Helen will pass on to Andy that when they go in and remove the dangerous trees at the Rec Ground they can also remove the dead pine tree. 

  • Christmas Carols
  • Gavin met with Trevor Harslett from the Church to discuss a possible joint Christmas celebration with the CCA. It was decided that would be a great idea and it will be held on Sunday 22nd December at the Community Hall. CCA members who have been attending the carols over the years made the suggestion that it would be nice to hold the actual carol’s inside the hall as they would like to keep the intimate feel of the evening and the acoustics inside the hall would be great. CCA members were in agreement with this suggestion and it was discussed that the BBQ and drinks could be held outside under marquees. Pauline Roy will be able to do her evening supper like previous years and the kindy mums could supply some cakes to go with it. A rough running guide would be 5-7pm for entertainment and food and the carols from 7-8pm. The CCA is happy to contribute $500 towards the community event and will also decorate the hall. As with previous years, Charles Berry & Son’s will provide their marquees and bottled water and the church will provide the sausage sizzle. Gavin will investigate the possibility of a bouncing castle and Blind Arry for entertainment. Main & Cherry can also have a stall for their wines.
  • Returned Serviceman Plinths
  • Gavin had been approached by Jo Horsnell as she would like CCA support to include the new returned serviceman plinths for Phil Scroop and Robert Cartridge into the Anzac Day ceremony for next year. She had checked with the RSL regarding protocol and they hold no objections. Phil was asked if he would be comfortable to be honoured at the Anzac Day service and he agreed. Members were happy with this request.
  • Aboriginal Flag for Clarendon
  • Gavin broached the subject of installing an Aboriginal Flag somewhere in town. Phil Scroop explained that you can now get a single flagpole with 3 anchor points to display the different flags and so the Aboriginal flag can be flown next to the Australian flag as required.
  • CCA Hall Door
  • Is there a way we can stop the main hall door from opening all the time? Gavin has a spare door handle that he is happy to donate and Phil is happy to install it.
  • Phil’s Update
  • The CFS encourages all community members to be well prepared for summer. Make sure your hose reaches around the whole house and plan how you would escape in an emergency. Consider getting a generator with fire pump and hose. Phil also shared with members that the CFS has an airstrip just off Formby Road at Cherry Gardens which has plans ready for an emergency.
  • Potter Road
  • Jayne queried whether any investigating had been done regarding traffic safety on Potter Road. Bianca advised that CCA member Steve Tiley had brought it up previously and Anneke had spoken to local members before regarding it. Phil Scroop will do some more investigating.

Next meeting

Wednesday 4th December 2019 at 7:30pm

11. Meeting Closed        9.53pm